This page is dedicated to deliver information related Eritrean Antiquity. Information in this page will focus on the seasonal research projects. Moreover, we will update the reader about conferences, exhibitions, meetings and other related scientific activities.

May 18, 2017
May 18 international Museum day
This day is an occasion to raise awareness on how important museums are in the development of society.
ICOM Advisory Committee organises the theme of this event that, given the high number of countries involved, lasts a day, a weekend, a week or even a month.
From America to Oceania including Africa, Europe and Asia, this international event has confirmed its popularity.
These recent years, International Museum Day has been experiencing its highest involution with almost 30,000 museums that organised activities in more than 120 countries.
Museum`s day is celebrated every year at the office of the National Museum of Eritrea.

November, 2017
Eritrean-Italian Buia Project
The Buia Project is conducted every year on the month of November. Eritrean and Italian researchers spend a month or more at the Danakil depression in search of fossils. The Buia site is one of the most interesting Quaternary sites in human evolution research.
This year the field work will commence on November.

Noevmber, 2017; February, 2018
Eritrean-Spanish Engel Ella_Ramod Project
The Engel Ella-Ramod, Eritrean_Spanish project is started on 2012. So far five field seasons have been conducted. Except in the first two years, it is conducted on February of each year.
However, this year, it might be planned on November, 2017. More soon!
Adulis Archaeological Project
Eritrea-Italian: Adulis Project is started on 2011. It is a scientific research project and it is supervised under the direction of Commission of Culture and Sports and the Northern Red Regional Museum.
The field work is conducted every November of each year!

Cultural Heritage Dissemination Program in the National Media
The presentation of Eritrean cultural heritage through available national media outlets entails a joint approach that embraces efforts from cultural heritage experts and the media personnel. The recognition of venues for a coordinated dissemination plan within the national media is therefore needed for adequate presentation of heritage resources to the wider public.
This Program is started before a couple of months. At this time various papers (in English, Arabic, Tigrinya and Tigre), related to Eritrea`s cultural heritage, are periodically published on a state newspapers.
Moreover, Radio Program initiated on first of April and the group are working to produce video documentaries in collaboration with the Ministry of Information (MOI).

Nomination of Qohaito in the World Heritage List
This program started on 2006 and the plan to continue the research is still pending! More soon!